About Awareness Art
Awareness Art is an initiative of the Grow and Flourish Foundation. We are a young foundation that does everything under its own steam. Any donation to support our work is more than welcome. Thanks a lot!
The aim of Awareness Art is to bring art to as wide an audience as possible, to reach as many people as possible with the cultural enrichment that art has to offer. At the same time, Awaress Art aims to raise awareness among a broad audience about the relevant natural issues such as climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss and pollution of our oceans.
We do this by means of four sculptures by artist Tim Boin, each drawing attention to a specific problem. All four animals are threatened and therefore have a story to tell, they all represent one of the most pressing issues (click on the animals to see their story).
By placing these sculptures in some of the busiest places in the Netherlands, we hope to bring art close to as many people as possible. With this art we show that art isn’t a difficult thing to comprehend. Art is there for everyone. However, the other part of our message is equally important to us. We hope that this exhibition contributes in its own way to raising awareness about the beforementioned problems in nature. The natural world is in a bad shape and all awareness that can be raised about this, is welcome.
With Awareness Art we hope to make the world a bit more beautiful, both literally and figuratively.
Why on Blue Monday?
January 20th has been declared the most depressive day of the year. The third Monday of January. It’s cold, dark and wet. The good intentions have been given up and everyone is still broke from December.
On the most depressive day of the year, the Netherlands could use some fine art. And not just any art. But art that comes to live through light. What makes our sculptures extra special, is that they are animated in the dark hours of the day. This way the animals come to life; and their story comes out even better. In this way we turn Blue Monday into an artistic and conscious, but above all an ‘enlightened’ day
Awareness Art is an initiative of the Grow and Flourish Foundation and artist Tim Boin.
The Grow and Flourish Foundation helps companies create Purpose Projects in which the identity and culture of the company flourishes. These projects bring meaning and connection to the company that results in an attractive brand, energy in the company and more growth.
Our Gardeners help companies define their identity, culture and purpose and help them set up and set up the first Purpose project.
Go to www.growandflourish.org/zelf-bloeien for more information.
For more art of Tim Boin, go to www.timboin.com